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The 12 Meridians energetic massage

The energetic massage of the 12 meridians (=energy flow lines in acupuncture) is an adaptation of the traditional shiatsu techniques combined with different relaxing manoeuvres. Shiatsu was originally a succession of pressure points to be performed on a clothed body.

MTM is practised on an unclothed body with massage oil and acts, as in shiatsu, on the tendinomuscular meridians which extend over the whole body (upper and lower limbs) and are themselves connected to the different organs and viscera of the body.

Un dos d'homme entrain de recevoir un massage

The effects of MTM :

The energetic massage of the 12 tendon-muscle meridians:

- Soothes the body and mind by facilitating relaxation, release and breathing

- Acts on the Autonomic Nervous System:

> The Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) is composed of 2 opposing but inseparable systems. When one is at its maximum, the other is at its minimum and vice versa.

The 1st, the Sympathetic Nervous System (governs our power of adaptation and action in the face of events)

The 2nd, the Parasympathetic Nervous System (governs our power of regeneration, both physical and cellular)

>>The MTM balances them by making the energy circulate properly.

- Acts on the neuromuscular system

The neuromuscular connection is a kind of internal attention. It allows the athlete, in particular, to direct all his attention and concentration on the muscle or group of muscles involved in the physical exercise.

- Activates and regulates the circulation of energy in the body

The pressures act on the Tsubios, treatment points in acupuncture, allowing the circulation of energy along the tendon-muscle meridians.

In MTM, a sort of virtuous energy circle is created (thanks to targeted pressure and sliding massage movements) in order to (re)circulate the subtle energies between the YIN organs and the YANG viscera.

Contraindications :

Pregnant women

Burns, wounds or fractures

Acute pathology (with medical abis)

Patient on muscle relaxant treatment

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